You are YOU

You are who you are, YOU are Unique

We are all different people. Unique, in our own way. Unfortunately, this is not something we all remember. And many times it is very easy to compare ourselves negatively with others, and this can create an inferiority complex.

This happens when we cannot stop focusing on our weaknesses. We constantly think that others are better at everything, and find it difficult to communicate with others — especially if we treat people with high self-confidence.

One way to remind ourselves every day that all these thoughts have no power is to make a list of what we believe are our best values. We need to take time to think about as many things as we can, as it is not always easy to say positive things about ourselves .

We may even experience physical symptoms, such as heavy sweating and speech problems. Therefore, the inferiority complex can prevent us from achieving our goals.

Try to keep a diary, in which we will record every day the beautiful things we did or happened to us. We try to create, to channel our feelings into art, as art is one of the most important conduits, and has healing properties.

It is very important to set our goals. Goals for our career, life or even our personal relationships, and rely on our strengths. Constantly reminding ourselves daily that we are strong, that we have achieved things and that we can overcome the difficulties that life has brought before us.

Understanding that asking for help if we feel we can not handle certain situations is not a shame. How much more can it be the beginning of new relationships, based on honesty, communication and the belief that people, no matter how unique we are, can overcome everything with the right partners next to us.

Love and self-confidence are the two pillars that allow the entry of self-esteem. Just as we can not value someone if we do not trust them, nor can we love them if we do not accept them, so we can not value ourselves if we do not trust ourselves, nor can we love ourselves if we do not accept ourselves as we are.

I love myself. According to experts in human psychology and behavior, it means that I care about me, I take care of me, I recognize my right to exist and to express myself authentically. People without love for themselves and self-esteem, tend to neglect themselves which most times leads to self-destruction.

Confidence in myself means that I have confidence in my ability to think, to learn, to make choices, to make decisions, to adapt to change. And yet: in my ability to realize that I deserve happiness, it is my right and I can conquer it.

But how can we love and trust ourselves?

Accept that you are not and will never be perfect. Are there perfect people around you?

Identify your behaviors due to lack of self-esteem. We blush, freeze, our hands sweat, our stomach tightens, we stutter, we lose them, our breathing stops, our feet tremble, etc. every time we are faced with a problem or a person. In many cases, however, the lack of self-esteem is well hidden behind behaviors that we attribute elsewhere.

The first crucial step in upgrading our sense of self-worth is to realize and accept all those situations that frighten and slow us down.

The next is to live consciously by focusing our attention on everything that happens around us, on everything we do.

Accept ourselves by allowing us to think, feel and function without constantly holding ourselves back by blaming ourselves for our thoughts, feelings or actions, without being ashamed of them, without denying them.

Taking responsibility for ourselves means that we will stop asking “who or what is to blame” every time something bad happens to us but rather ask ourselves the question: “what should we do now?”.

Expressing ourselves means that we are “We or I” and not what others would like us or I to be. And we will live for ourselves not for others to validate.

When we are down, feeling worthless, not good enough and having negative thoughts, we need to imagine that in a magical way this thought does not exist and replace it with another of our choice. In other words, we need to constantly create a brand new scenario.

Think happy thoughts, your joy and peace of mind are very important in life. You are YOU, You are the best. I’m ME, I’m the best.


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