Get out of comfort zone.

A person’s comfort zone is the area of his living space with the lowest level of anxiety. In the comfort zone, a person feels safe and relaxed, he does his usual actions: goes to work, uses familiar routes, solves standard tasks, eats familiar food, etc. Being in the comfort zone is a psychological state that is caused by a feeling of stability and certainty.

The comfort zone is not resting or lying on the couch, it is a set of feelings and actions familiar to a person. The same activity may be mundane for one person, but stressful for another. For example, for a housewife, preparing dinner for the whole family is a simple, routine task that she performs every day. And for the driver Taxi routine will be daily trips of 800 km. At the same time, if they are swapped, then perhaps a trip of 800 km for a housewife will be outside the comfort zone, and the driver will experience difficulties in preparing a family dinner. Thus, each person has their comfort zone.

We all consciously or unconsciously strive for stability and certainty. We are pleased when everything goes according to our plans, without emergencies. The unknown scares us. For psychological peace, a person needs to satisfy their basic needs – security, love, respect (in accordance with the pyramid of needs described by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow).

But constantly being in a situation of peace and security can stop personal growth.
Moderate stressful situations turn out to be surprisingly beneficial for humans. In a stable comfortable state, the level of productivity remains unchanged, but in order for productivity to increase, the level of anxiety must increase. However, beyond a certain threshold, the combination of complexity and anxiety leads to a drop in productivity.

Thus, for constant development it is necessary to give yourself a small, controlled charge of stress., set new tasks or receive challenges from the external environment. Every day we are faced with a choice – choose the familiar or try something new and challenging. If we pick the familiar safe option, we know that we will feel fine, but we are unlikely to learn anything new about ourselves or the world around us. If we take the riskier option, we may fail, but even that failure will make us a little better.

The longer we live in comfort, avoiding difficulties, the less chance we have of moving forward. But when we take risks, our efficiency and ingenuity increase, we have more strength, happiness, and success. We become capable of accomplishments we never dreamed of before.

To break out of the tenacious clutches of routine, you don’t have to give up everything and turn your life upside down. Just adding a little “uncomfortable” is enough.

Here are some ways to do this

1. Set challenging goals and try something you haven’t done before.

2. Make the first moves forward and keep movie.

3. Expand your comfort zone, the more often you challenge yourself, the sooner you will get to the point where you are no longer as scared as you were when you started.

4. Change your daily routine little by little.

5. Make a new acquaintance

Take charge of your life, you are much more than you think.

Odusanya Oluwadamilola Abigail

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